
TenTopped.com is a website where you can read awesome top 10 lists about literally anything and everything (published by the author....) The idea behind tentopped is to make binge reading fun and ofcourse satisfy the never ending curiosity of mankind about topics that some may never get to use in their life. The thought of creating this abomination came to the author when he and his equally introverted friend sat in their houses and decided to rank random stuffs (just for laughs). But then entertainment turned into serious discussion and that's when we understood how immensely intersting ranking content is. And so was TenTopped.com created to answer the questions that pop into your mind at 3 A.M. Have fun :)


All information posted on this site is for entertainment purposes only. No kind of hate or partiality was shown while creating the lists. Also in some places, there may have been an error in ranking and some places might have been mismatched, we kindly request you to not get mad and please tell us where it went wrong so that we can fix it.