
Top 10 dangerous sports that people play for real

#10 Bull fighting


Bull fighting is a Spanish sport where the player attempts to subdue the bull. The bull of course not being a paid actor tries to kill the player by running him over. Every year around 250,000 bulls are killed for the sport while a total of 534 bull fighters have lost their lives playing it.

#9 Skiing


Skiing is the use of boards/skis to glide down a slope of snow. While some people can reach upto 15mph, expert Olympians can reach upto 90mph. On average, 40 people die every year by skiing accidents.

#8 Racing


All motorsports racing come under this category, the danger in this sport is mostly attributed to idiots in road. NASCAR accounts for about 28 deaths in its history of racing while 180 people have died in Los Angeles alone from the year 2000 due to street racing.

#7 Rugby


Rugby or American football is a violent sport that involves going head to head with men built like mountains. The game requires that players wear a lot of padding and rightfully so. Over 400+ deaths have been reported in the past decade and many new advancements have been introduced for the safety of the players.

#6 Big wave surfing


Big wave surfing as the name suggests is a sport where surfers ride waves higher than 20 feet. The world record in this sport was set by Sebastian Steudtner by surfing a wave 86 feet high. Statistically there are around 10 deaths each year, if you aren't a master at swimming then it is advisable not to try this out.

#5 Bungee jumping


Bungee jumping is a fun sport where they tie an elastic rope around your feet and push you off a cliff or a high place. The rope is supposed to stretch and not break and due to the nature of the sport, there are many limitations over who can participate.

#4 Scuba diving


Scuba diving is an underwater sport where the diver goes on to explore the ocean with the help of scuba gear. The most common dangers scuba divers face are marine animals like sharks and decompression sickness - also known as "bends".

#3 Boxing


Boxing , mma, wrestling, etc. All come under this category. Whilst it is one of the most popular sports in the world, it is also undeniable that boxing is without a doubt the epitome of danger. Over the years many new rules and changes have been introduced that have reduced the number of deaths, nevertheless over 103 deaths have been recorded in the ring during the 2000s.

#2 Base jumping


Base jumping is a sport where people jump off from fixed objects with a parachute opposed to it's cousin skydiving where the people jump off in the sky. Base is an acronym for the things that people can jump off - Buildings, Antennas, Spans and Earth.

#1 Mountaineering


Mountaineering or mountain climbing is a dangerous sport where people try to climb to the top of mountains. The most popular site being mount Everest, every year hundreds of people try to accomplish this incredible feat. As of 2021, over 91 people have died climbing the biggest mountain in the world.

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