
Top 10 greatest inventions that changed the way the world works

#10 Camera


Camera was first invented in 1816 by Louis le prince and Johann zahn. Cameras serve as a groundbreaking invention for humanity since it allows to capture the world's moments and makes it a permanant memory. Cameras have developed a lot over the years, the first camera took about 5 to 30 minutes for a single photo. Today those numbers are literally non existent as it takes in milliseconds to capture a single photo.

#9 Engines


At early days if you wanted to go from a place to place you would have to walk, if you were wealthy enough then maybe a horse. Today none of that hard work is needed as engines exist for us to travel anywhere in the world within a couple days. Engines are used in almost all automobiles, motorbikes, rockets, ships, and everything that moves. Speedy transportation would literally be impossible without this amazing invention.

#8 Internet


If you are reading this then you must know what internet is. As opposed to what most people think, internet is not some sort of magic that travels through the air, infact it travels through cables in a carefully sorted and arranged manner spread across the oceans. Founded in 1983 it did not become popular until the early 2000s, and today nobody in the world could imagine life without internet. It brought all the information in the world to our fingertips and connected people from one end of the earth to the other.

#7 Books


The evolutionary trait of fishes is to swim, same way the trait for humans is intelligence. Books single handedly carried humanity forward by storing information and revealing it to anybody who picks up and reads it. Even though today we could just search anything we need on the internet, books were the thing that existed before that. For thousands of years it created scholars and let us know about the history of the planet and the people who live in it.

#6 Electricity


Can you believe electricity only became really common in the 20th century. Everything we see right now is created through electricity one way or the other. Electricity even though is a state of matter and was not invented, some great minds made it accessible. According to the International Energy agency, around 87 percent of the world's population have access to and use electricity.

#5 Medical Drugs


Before the invention of Anastasia if you had a wound on your leg the doctor had mo choice than to cut your whole leg off. Medicines today can cure a wide range of diseases or atleast suppress them allowing us to extend our life period. If you are alive today there's a good chance that one of the medical drugs has saved your life at some point.

#4 Money


Some might say it is the worst invention of all time and some might say it's the best, but the truth is.... It really is one of the best. Money like most people think is not just a piece of paper, it gives you buying power to get what you want and this way keeps the economy sustainable. Over the course of history we can see people have used various forms of currency like gold, silver, etc. And at one point of time people traded stuffs, which is not really great if you think about it.

#3 Wheel


The world's oldest man made invention, dating back to even 5000 bc. It shows us the creativity humans have and the kind of intelligent people we are. Wheels help us to transport, carry heavy goods which otherwise would have been impossible. Besides just fast transportation and efficiency, wheels are also the basic principle behind almost all mechanical devices.

#2 Languages


The most underrated invention of all time I'd say. Languages allow us to express our emotions, communicate with one another, share love and knowledge and everything in between. Without good communication it's safe to say humanity wouldn't have progressed this much.

#1 Fire


Finally the world's oldest invention and the thing that started it all. Some might argue that fure is an element that always existed, but we are not talking about fire as an element rather as a creation when the cavemen decided to run two rocks together. Without fire none of the things that are present in this list would have been possible, humanity has come a long way from fire to the screen you are looking at right now. We really progressed and should thank our forefathers for it, humans have evolved and maybe this list could change in the future as many great inventions get invented.

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