
Top 10 unexplainable events in history that makes no sense

#10 The dancing plague


The dancing plague was a dance epidemic that occured during 1518. Over 400 people died dancing for no reason and nobody knows why it was started or who started it. It is said to have affected people only in groups and nobody who were alone was affected.

#9 Dead body with lashes


Xin Zhui was an ancient Chinese Han princess who lived around 200 BC. When her dead body was found, it was remarkably well preserved in a liquid found inside her tomb. Her organs were intact, her skin was moist, eyelashes and nose hair was also present which is unusual for a body which has been dead for 2000 years. To this day scientists don't know what kind of liquid it was and guess it might have been some acidic liquid that preserved her body.

#8 The WOW signal


In 1997, the Ohio State University's?Big Ear?radio telescope in the United States recieved a signal from outer space. This signal was so astounding that the astronomer who found it wrote the words "wow" next to the signal record. Many scientists have tried to detect a signal again but have failed to do so. Till date the wow signal is the biggest proof that aliens might exist.

#7 Rasputin


Gregori Rasputin was a Russian healer and holy man who became a really famous figure in Russia during the early 1900s. Rasputin's death is still a wide speculation. Ok the day of his death the conspirators testified that he was fed poison laced drinks and food, he was shot three times and still didn't die. Nobody knows how this man became that powerful in a short amount of time and was able to evade death that many times.

#6 Malaysian airlines - 370


Malayasia airlines flight 370 was an international flight that was set to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, China. In 2014, the flight started off smoothly and then disappeared, a signal was said to be found a little while later in which the flight was deviating from its original target location, but then an hour later that signal was gone too. To this day nobody knows what happened to the flight and the passengers in it, it is described as the deadliest flight incident at the time of occurrence.

#5 Lost colony of Roanoke


Roanoke was set to be the world's first permanent English colony, until the settlers all disappeared mysteriously. The mayor of the settlement left for England to request resources and man power, when he came back nobody was there including his wife, child and grandchild all went missing with the word "CROATOAN" carved into trees.

#4 Indus valley civilization


Also known as the Harappan civilization or the Indus civilization, it was a bronze age civilization present in northwestern regions of south asia. It was present during 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE. Modern scientists say that the civilization was destroyed due to climate change and floods, but nobody really knows what happened to once the world's most extensive civilization.

#3 Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose


Netaji was an Indian freedom fighter whose extraordinary military skills and fight for India earned him the title "netaji". His disappearance has been a real mystery, with commissions formed to find out what happened to him. In 2015 the Japanese government claimed that he died in a plane crash, while others claim that he lived his last days in a ashram in India. Nobody will ever truly know what happened to him except the man himself.

#2 Stonehenge


Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in England, it consists a ring of stones each weighing 25 tons topped by connecting horizontal stones. According to folklore, a wizard magically transported the stones from Ireland where giants assembled them. That seems to be the only possible explanation as there is no way cranes were available in 5000 BC.

#1 Pyramids


The pyramids are one of the seven wonders of the world and deserve to be it. They were built somewhere around 2500 BC in Egypt as tombs for the Pharaohs. The great pyramid consists of 2,300,000 limestone and granite blocks with each of them weighing 2.5 tons. Due to the unbelievable facts and no history of how they were built, some people really believe aliens built them.

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