
Top 10 strangest websites found on the internet

#10 z0r.de


Kicking off with number 10 we have have this strange web presence that's weirdly entertaining. You get random clips of cartoons mostly over some music, it loops infinitely until you press next button or random.

#9 omfgdogs.com


This website can be best described as a bunch of animated dogs running while the word "dogs" has been written in the background and scrolled continuosly a million times. It is a very colourful website and even has a donation link at the bottom of the screen.

#8 zverige.com/kingkong/


It seems like a fan page for the Swedish monarch Carl XVI. The website contains a ton of pictures of the monarch in different hats in which some look really photoshopped. There's also the word "why" written in the background in different languages with the man's head here and there.

#7 hackertyper.com


Admit it, after seeing an action film with a bunch of hackers hacking things we have always wanted to do that too. Well this website is perfectly designed for that, don't know any commands? Just press random buttons and blocks of code appears. In simple terms this website makes you feel like you're an hacker that the entire FBI is searching for.

#6 godhatesshrimp.com


Just two words. Fair play! This websites has Bible verses specifically telling them how only fished are allowed to be eaten and shrimps are unclean foods which destroys the sanctity of god's children. While it looks silly at first, it might have a deep meaning to the various unacceptable things that people do and blame it on God.

#5 fallingfalling.com


Rather relaxing than strange I'd say. This website has a bunch of colourful pages falling down to reveal another coloured page in the back, and so the cycle continues until the end of time.

#4 ninjaflex.com


As the name suggests it's literally animations of a pixelated ninja kicking adjacent to a pixelated arm flexing it's biceps. Oh wait there's more, if you hover your mouse over the ninja it says ninja!! And if you hover your mouse over the flexing arm.... Well it says flex.

#3 lifeat.io


If you are the kind of person who needs company to study, then this is the perfect website for you. There's pre recorded videos of people studying, so you can sit in front of a monitor and watch them study whilst you study. Even better there are videos of celebrities like BTS in this site.

#2 patience-is-virture.org


Don't have enough money for an anger management session? Just go to this website. As again the name suggests, this website teaches you patience through a loading screen which takes a bit longer than usual. Hey you don't have to take my word for it, you can try it out yourself.

#1 eelslap.com


Officially the strangest website we have ever encountered and also a bit fun too. There's an eel and a man, the point apparently is to slap the man with the eel. Drag your cursor along to control the eel and hit the man as many times as you want.

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